tech divestment networK

Complicity in apartheid ends with uS

The Tech Divestment Network is a worker-led network of organizations who advocate for divestment from the military-industrial complex in and around our industry. We organize to build worker power because accept our complicity in the military-industrial complex, enabling the genocide of Palestine. We believe that divestment is the most effective strategy for materially disrupting the tech industry’s complicity, and we aim to support organizers by sharing resources, strategizing and coordinating campaigns, help develop leadership skills, and assessing impact of campaigns. 

Our coalition is made up of organizations representing employees at Amazon, Apple, Cisco, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Oracle, Salesforce, and more.

Points of unity

We mobilize as tech workers

“Tech worker” is not a monolithic identity. Some of us make 6 figure salaries, some of us barely make a living wage; some are coders and engineers, some don’t have any technical training; but as employees in the tech industry, we are all tech workers. We unite under this identity because our collective labor makes the world of tech possible.

We recognize our complicity

As tech workers, we recognize our complicity in enabling, facilitating, aiding and abetting Israel’s automated warfare against Indigenous Palestinians. We commit to reckoning with the deep connections between the technology we create, and the apartheid system in Palestine.

We organize for divestment.

There are many ways for tech workers to enact meaningful solidarity. We believe that the single most important intervention that we can make as tech workers is to heed the call for ending complicity through disclosure and divestment.

join our network

If you’re interested in joining our network of companies and organizations to learn how to create impactful campaigns towards divestment, fill out this form.

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